Week 10: Picture Memorability

Psyc 2001
Recognition Memory
A reading and an experiment proposal

Matt Crump


November 6, 2023


November 6, 2023

The reading for this week is:

Isola, P., Xiao, J., Torralba, A., & Oliva, A. (2011). What makes an image memorable? Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2011 IEEE Conference On, 145–152.

The paper is on the group shared zotero and I will email it to everyone.


  1. Read the paper and take notes on your blog.

  2. Develop an experiment proposal

The reading provides some compelling evidence that some images are inherently more memorable than other images. The purpose of your experiment proposal is to brainstorm a way to test the limits of this memorability effect.

One example that we discussed in class was the idea of within-subject test-retest reliability. For example, if we ran a version of the above experiment on the same group of people twice, would they find a high correlation between the picture memorability rankings on the first and second test? According to the notion that some pictures are inherently more memorable than others, we would expect a relatively strong positive correlation.

Your task to consider other potential ways to test the limits of the memorability effect. This would involve running a similar kind of experiment as above, but manipulating some additional aspects to determine how stable or generalizable the effect is to other conditions.

Have fun, and it is OK to brainstorm more than one experiment idea.