Week 3: JsPsych and the simple reaction time tutorial

Psyc 2001
We look at accessing the JsPsych library and work through the tutorial on writing a simple reaction time tutorial in JsPsych.

Matt Crump


September 11, 2023


September 21, 2023


Have followed along from the previous posts

Concepts to cover

I’ll cover the following concepts in the screencast and show how I am using software as I go along.

Example of showing the code works

Link to test.html


  1. Show that you can get the JsPsych simple RT demo working and posted to your blog. You should be able to do this based on following along with the documentation and the screencast.

  2. Generalize: The reading about Donder’s concept of processing stages discussed three kinds of tasks

  1. A basic detection task
  2. A Go/NO-GO task
  3. A choice reaction time task

Your assignment is to attempt to produce scripts for each of these tasks by modifying the example simple RT demo script.


If you are looking for an advanced challenge, then attempt the following.

A researcher may want to conduct the above 3 different versions of a reaction time task for the same participant. Produce a script that presents each task one after the other.

Additionally, a researcher may want to control or randomize the sequence of each task. Produce a script that randomizes task order.