Running the jspsych tutorial code on a quarto blog

Psyc 2002

Matt Crump


February 6, 2023


February 24, 2023

This is a minimal example showing how to serve the jspsych tutorial code on a quarto blog using github pages.

Jspsych is a javascript library for coding online cognitive/behavioral experiments De Leeuw (2015).

The tutorial example code is for creating a simple reaction time task with jspsych, and can be found here

The general concept to running this on a quarto blog with github pages involve the following general steps

  1. Getting the assets you want to serve to the web in a folder
  2. Putting the assets folder in the docs folder so that it is served to the web from github pages
  3. Link to the experiment from your blog.

Steps in quarto:

  1. Create an assets folder to contain the jspsych tutorial in the folder for your post. Mine is called jspsych_tutorial.
  2. Create a new file called index.html inside the jspych_tutorial folder.
  3. Copy the “final code” from the tutorial into index.html and save it.
  4. Remember we need the two image files, and these need to go into an img folder. Add those. Make sure the img folder is inside the jspsych_tutorial.

When you render the blog the last step is make sure that the contents of jspsych_tutorial is copied into the docs folder so you can access it from the web. This is possible by including a resources entry with a pointer to the folder in the yaml for your blog post.

For example, the yaml at the top of this blog post entry is:

title: "Running jspsych tutorial code on a quarto blog"
author: "Matt Crump"
date: '2023-2-6'
date-modified: last-modified
image: 'images/jspsych-logo.jpg'
resources: "jspsych_tutorial"
  - Psyc 2002
  - jspsych
  echo: false
  warning: false
  message: false
bibliography: [references.bib]

At this point you should be able to render the blog and push it to github. You can check that the jspsych tutorial assets are in the docs folder, they should be in docs/posts/yourpost/

Linking to the tutorial

The next step is to link to the tutorial folder. Because we named the main file index.html, we don’t have to specify which file to load because the browser will automatically load the index file.

Hyman (1953)

Make Condition 1

Hyman_1.html works

  • Need to counterbalance which circle happens 9/10 times.

Make Condition 2

Hyman_2.html works

  • Need to counterbalance which circle happens 8/10 times.

Make Condition 3

  • Need to make four possible stimuli

  • Need to make font bigger, for letters


De Leeuw, Joshua R. 2015. “jsPsych: A JavaScript Library for Creating Behavioral Experiments in a Web Browser.” Behavior Research Methods 47 (1): 112.