My tip sheet for week 2


Matt Crump


February 1, 2023

The assignment for week 2 is to make a “tip sheet” consisting of notes and reminders about how to use various aspects of the software in this course. This is an example of creating a post for this purpose.

The notes below are the ones that I demonstrated taking during our class. I expect that your tip sheet will have many more notes that are useful to you.

Notes about github

How to commit and push changes to github?

  1. Make some changes to your files
  2. Render your website in Rstudio
  3. Commit your changes in github desktop with a commit message
  4. Push to

You can use Rstudio too…

restarting R

  • type .rs.restartR() in the console. THIS DID NOT WORK PROPERLY, the environment workspace did not clear using this method.

Changing the picture for a post

Quarto blogs will display a picture in the listing of posts.

  1. Put a picture file (e.g., jpg, png, gif) inside the folder for the post.
  2. Link to the picture with image: parameter in the .qmd yaml at the top of the document.

The yaml for this document looks like:

title: "My tip sheet for week 2"
author: "Matt Crump"
image: "images/cover.jpg"

The following image is located in the images folder inside the folder for this post, and it should be displayed as the image in the post listing:

## more tips