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Data collected 2/10/22

Load libraries

Import Data

# Read the text file from JATOS ...
read_file('data/E1/jatos_results_20220330235250.txt') %>%
  # ... split it into lines ...
  str_split('\n') %>% first() %>%
  # ... filter empty rows ...
  discard(function(x) x == '') %>%
  # ... parse JSON into a data.frame
  map_dfr(fromJSON, flatten=T) -> all_data



demographics <- all_data %>%
  filter(trial_type == "survey-html-form") %>%
  select(ID,response) %>%
  unnest_wider(response) %>%
  mutate(age = as.numeric(age))

age_demographics <- demographics %>%
  summarize(mean_age = mean(age),
            sd_age = sd(age),
            min_age = min(age),
            max_age = max(age))

factor_demographics <- apply(demographics[-1], 2, table)

A total of 47 participants were recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Mean age was 34.9 (range = 22 to 60 ). There were 23 females, and 24 males. There were 41 right-handed participants, and NA left or both handed participants. 37 participants reported normal vision, and 10 participants reported corrected-to-normal vision. 37 participants reported English as a first language, and 10 participants reported English as a second language.


We are interested in including participants who attempted to perform the task to the best of their ability. We adopted the following exclusion criteria.

  1. Lower than 75% correct during the encoding task. This means that participants failed to correctly press the F or R keys on each trial.
# select data from the study phase
study_accuracy <- all_data %>%
  filter(experiment_phase == "study", == FALSE) %>%
  summarize(mean_correct = mean(correct))

study_excluded_subjects <- study_accuracy %>%
  filter(mean_correct < .75) %>%

ggplot(study_accuracy, aes(x=mean_correct))+
  ggtitle("Histogram of mean correct responses \n for each subject during study phase")

  1. More than 25% Null responses (120*.25 = 30) during test. NULL responses mean that the participant did not respond on a test trial after 10 seconds.
# select data from the study phase
test_null <- all_data %>%
  filter(experiment_phase == "test",
         response =="NULL") %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%

test_null_excluded <- test_null %>%
  filter(n > (120*.25)) %>%

ggplot(test_null, aes(x=n))+
  ggtitle("Histogram of count of null responses \n for each subject during test")

  1. Higher than 75% response bias in the recognition task. This suggests that participants were simply pressing the same button on most trials.
test_response_bias <- all_data %>%
  filter(experiment_phase == "test",
         response !="NULL") %>%
  mutate(response = as.numeric(response)) %>%
  group_by(ID, response) %>%
  count() %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = response,
              values_from = n,
              values_fill = 0) %>%
  mutate(bias = abs(`0` - `1`)/120)

test_response_bias_excluded <- test_response_bias %>%
  filter(bias > .75) %>%

ggplot(test_response_bias, aes(x=bias))+
  ggtitle("Histogram of response bias \n for each subject during test phase")

  1. Making responses too fast during the recognition memory test, indicating that they weren’t performing the task. We excluded participants whose mean RT was less than 300 ms.
test_mean_rt <- all_data %>%
  filter(experiment_phase == "test",
         response !="NULL",
         rt != "NULL") %>%
  mutate(rt = as.numeric(rt)) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  summarize(mean_RT = mean(rt))

test_mean_rt_excluded <- test_mean_rt %>%
  filter(mean_RT < 300) %>%

ggplot(test_mean_rt, aes(x=mean_RT))+
  ggtitle("Histogram of response bias \n for each subject during test phase")

  1. Subjects are included if they perform better than 55% correct on the novel lures.
test_mean_novel_accuracy <- all_data %>%
  filter(experiment_phase == "test",
         test_condition == "novel") %>%
  mutate(correct = as.logical(correct)) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  summarize(mean_correct = mean(correct))

test_mean_novel_accuracy_excluded <- test_mean_novel_accuracy %>%
  filter(mean_correct < .55) %>%

ggplot(test_mean_novel_accuracy, aes(x=mean_correct))+
  ggtitle("Histogram of mean accuracy for novel lures \n for each subject during test phase")

All exclusions

all_excluded <- unique(c(study_excluded_subjects,

## [1] 13

Our participants were recruited online and completed the experiment from a web browser. Our experiment script requests that participants attempt the task to the best of their ability. Nevertheless, it is possible that participants complete the experiment and submit data without attempting to complete the task as directed. We developed a set of criteria to exclude participants whose performance indicated they were not attempting the task as instructed. These criteria also allowed us to confirm that the participants we included in the analysis did attempt the task as instructed to the best of their ability. We adopted the following five criteria:

First, during the encoding phase participants responded to each instructional cue (to remember or forget the picture on each trial) by pressing “R” or “F” on the keyboard. This task demand further served as an attentional check. We excluded participants who scored lower than 75% correct on instructional cue identification responses. Second, participants who did not respond on more than 25% of trials in the recognition test were excluded. Third, we measured response bias (choosing the left or right picture) during the recognition test, and excluded participants who made 75% of their responses to one side (indicating they were repeatedly pressing the same button on each trial). Fourth, we excluded participants whose mean reaction time during the recognition test was less than 300ms, indicating they were pressing the buttons as fast as possible without making a recognition decision. Finally, we computed mean accuracy for the novel lure condition for all participants, and excluded participants whose mean accuracy was less than 55% for those items. All together 13 participants were excluded.

Accuracy analysis

Define Helper functions

To do, consider moving the functions into the R package for this project

# attempt general solution

## Declare helper functions

# get_mean_sem
# data = a data frame
# grouping_vars = a character vector of factors for analysis contained in data
# dv = a string indicated the dependent variable colunmn name in data
# returns data frame with grouping variables, and mean_{dv}, sem_{dv}
# note: dv in mean_{dv} and sem_{dv} is renamed to the string in dv

get_mean_sem <- function(data, grouping_vars, dv, digits=3){
  a <- data %>%
    group_by_at(grouping_vars) %>%
    summarize("mean_{ dv }" := round(mean(.data[[dv]]), digits),
              "sem_{ dv }" := round(sd(.data[[dv]])/sqrt(length(.data[[dv]])),digits),

# get_effect_names
# grouping_vars = a character vector of factors for analysis
# returns a named list
# list contains all main effects and interaction terms
# useful for iterating the computation means across design effects and interactions

get_effect_names <- function(grouping_vars){
  effect_names <- grouping_vars
  if( length(grouping_vars > 1) ){
    for( i in 2:length(grouping_vars) ){
      effect_names <- c(effect_names,apply(combn(grouping_vars,i),2,paste0,collapse=":"))
  effects <- strsplit(effect_names, split=":")
  names(effects) <- effect_names

# print_list_of_tables
# table_list = a list of named tables
# each table is printed 
# names are header level 3

print_list_of_tables <- function(table_list){
  for(i in 1:length(table_list)){

Conduct Analysis

# create list to hold results
Accuracy <- list()

# Pre-process data for analysis
# assign to "filtered_data" object
Accuracy$filtered_data <- all_data %>%
  filter(experiment_phase == "test", 
         ID %in% all_excluded == FALSE)

# declare factors, IVS, subject variable, and DV
Accuracy$factors$IVs <- c("encoding_stimulus_time",
Accuracy$factors$subject <- "ID"
Accuracy$factors$DV <- "correct"

## Subject-level means used for ANOVA
# get individual subject means for each condition
Accuracy$subject_means <- get_mean_sem(data=Accuracy$filtered_data,
                                       grouping_vars = c(Accuracy$factors$subject,
                                       dv = Accuracy$factors$DV)
## Condition-level means
# get all possible main effects and interactions
Accuracy$effects <- get_effect_names(Accuracy$factors$IVs)

Accuracy$means <- lapply(Accuracy$effects, FUN = function(x) {
             grouping_vars = x,
             dv = Accuracy$factors$DV)


# ensure factors are factor class
Accuracy$subject_means <- Accuracy$subject_means %>%
  mutate_at(Accuracy$factors$IVs,factor) %>%

# run ANOVA
Accuracy$aov.out <- aov(mean_correct ~ encoding_stimulus_time*encoding_instruction*test_condition + Error(ID/(encoding_stimulus_time*encoding_instruction*test_condition)), Accuracy$subject_means)

# save printable summaries
Accuracy$apa_print <- papaja::apa_print(Accuracy$aov.out)


Accuracy$graphs$figure <- ggplot(Accuracy$means$`encoding_stimulus_time:encoding_instruction:test_condition`, 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge")+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean_correct-sem_correct,
                    ymax = mean_correct+sem_correct),
                width=.9, position=position_dodge2(width = 0.2, padding = 0.8))+
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0.4,1,.1))+
  ylab("Proportion Correct")+
  xlab("Lure Type")+
  scale_fill_discrete(name = " Encoding \n Instruction") +
  ggtitle("E1: Proportion Correct by Stimulus Encoding Duration, \n Encoding Instruction, and Lure Type")


Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 33 4.7925490 0.1452288 NA NA
encoding_stimulus_time 2 0.0885784 0.0442892 2.6182656 0.0804931
Residuals 66 1.1164216 0.0169155 NA NA
encoding_instruction 1 0.0283333 0.0283333 1.9547038 0.1714078
Residuals 33 0.4783333 0.0144949 NA NA
test_condition 1 4.1603922 4.1603922 133.3448867 0.0000000
Residuals 33 1.0296078 0.0312002 NA NA
encoding_stimulus_time:encoding_instruction 2 0.0415196 0.0207598 0.9470100 0.3931059
Residuals 66 1.4468137 0.0219214 NA NA
encoding_stimulus_time:test_condition 2 0.0918137 0.0459069 2.9904204 0.0571205
Residuals 66 1.0131863 0.0153513 NA NA
encoding_instruction:test_condition 1 0.0165686 0.0165686 1.2423702 0.2730668
Residuals 33 0.4400980 0.0133363 NA NA
encoding_stimulus_time:encoding_instruction:test_condition 2 0.0006373 0.0003186 0.0121719 0.9879041
Residuals 66 1.7276961 0.0261772 NA NA


encoding_stimulus_time mean_correct sem_correct
500 0.668 0.013
1000 0.700 0.012
2000 0.699 0.012


encoding_instruction mean_correct sem_correct
F 0.698 0.01
R 0.681 0.01


test_condition mean_correct sem_correct
exemplar 0.588 0.011
novel 0.790 0.009


encoding_stimulus_time encoding_instruction mean_correct sem_correct
500 F 0.679 0.018
500 R 0.657 0.018
1000 F 0.719 0.017
1000 R 0.681 0.018
2000 F 0.694 0.018
2000 R 0.704 0.018


encoding_stimulus_time test_condition mean_correct sem_correct
500 exemplar 0.551 0.019
500 novel 0.785 0.016
1000 exemplar 0.619 0.019
1000 novel 0.781 0.016
2000 exemplar 0.594 0.019
2000 novel 0.804 0.015


encoding_instruction test_condition mean_correct sem_correct
F exemplar 0.603 0.015
F novel 0.792 0.013
R exemplar 0.574 0.015
R novel 0.788 0.013


encoding_stimulus_time encoding_instruction test_condition mean_correct sem_correct
500 F exemplar 0.571 0.027
500 F novel 0.788 0.022
500 R exemplar 0.532 0.027
500 R novel 0.782 0.022
1000 F exemplar 0.644 0.026
1000 F novel 0.794 0.022
1000 R exemplar 0.594 0.027
1000 R novel 0.768 0.023
2000 F exemplar 0.594 0.027
2000 F novel 0.794 0.022
2000 R exemplar 0.594 0.027
2000 R novel 0.815 0.021


## Encoding time x instruction
Accuracy$simple$DF_500 <- Accuracy$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "500") %>%
  group_by(ID,encoding_instruction) %>%
  summarize(mean_correct = mean(mean_correct)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = encoding_instruction,
              values_from = mean_correct) %>%
  mutate(difference = R-F) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

Accuracy$simple$DF_1000 <- Accuracy$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "1000") %>%
  group_by(ID,encoding_instruction) %>%
  summarize(mean_correct = mean(mean_correct)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = encoding_instruction,
              values_from = mean_correct) %>%
  mutate(difference = R-F) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

Accuracy$simple$DF_2000 <- Accuracy$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "2000") %>%
  group_by(ID,encoding_instruction) %>%
  summarize(mean_correct = mean(mean_correct)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = encoding_instruction,
              values_from = mean_correct) %>%
  mutate(difference = R-F) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

# encoding time x test condition

Accuracy$simple$test_500 <- Accuracy$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "500") %>%
  group_by(ID,test_condition) %>%
  summarize(mean_correct = mean(mean_correct)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = test_condition,
              values_from = mean_correct) %>%
  mutate(difference = novel-exemplar) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

Accuracy$simple$test_1000 <- Accuracy$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "1000") %>%
  group_by(ID,test_condition) %>%
  summarize(mean_correct = mean(mean_correct)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = test_condition,
              values_from = mean_correct) %>%
  mutate(difference = novel-exemplar) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

Accuracy$simple$test_2000 <- Accuracy$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "2000") %>%
  group_by(ID,test_condition) %>%
  summarize(mean_correct = mean(mean_correct)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = test_condition,
              values_from = mean_correct) %>%
  mutate(difference = novel-exemplar) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%


## helper print functions
qprint <- function(data,iv,level,dv){
   data[[iv]] %>%
   filter(.data[[iv]] == {level}) %>%

qprint_mean_sem <- function(data,iv,level,dv){
   dv_mean <- data[[iv]] %>%
   filter(.data[[iv]] == {level}) %>%
   dv_sem <- data[[iv]] %>%
   filter(.data[[iv]] == {level}) %>%
   return(paste("M = ", 
    ", SEM = ",

# qprint(Accuracy$means,"encoding_stimulus_time","500","mean_correct")
# qprint_mean_sem(Accuracy$means,"encoding_stimulus_time","500",c("mean_correct","sem_correct"))

# use data.table for interactions

#t <-$means$`encoding_stimulus_time:encoding_instruction`)
#t[encoding_stimulus_time==500 & encoding_instruction == "F"]$mean_correct

Proportion correct for each subject in each condition was submitted to a 3 (Encoding Duration: 500ms, 1000ms, 2000ms) x 2 (Encoding Instruction: Forget vs. Remember) x 2 (Lure type: Novel vs. Exemplar) fully repeated measures ANOVA. For completeness, each main effect and higher-order interaction is described in turn.

The main effect of encoding duration was not significant, \(F(2, 66) = 2.62\), \(p = .080\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .007\), 90% CI \([.000, .048]\). Proportion correct was similar across the 500 ms (M = 0.668, SEM = 0.013), 1000 ms (M = 0.7, SEM = 0.012), and 2000 ms (M = 0.699, SEM = 0.012) stimulus durations.

The main effect of encoding instruction was not significant, \(F(1, 33) = 1.95\), \(p = .171\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .002\), 90% CI \([.000, .005]\). Proportion correct was similar for remember cues (M = 0.681, SEM = 0.01) and forget cues (M = 0.698, SEM = 0.01).

The main effect of lure type was significant, \(F(1, 33) = 133.34\), \(p < .001\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .257\), 90% CI \([.070, .444]\). Proportion correct was higher for novel lures (M = 0.79, SEM = 0.009) than exemplar lures (M = 0.588, SEM = 0.011).

The main question of interest was whether directing forgetting would vary across the encoding duration times. The interaction between encoding instruction and encoding duration was, \(F(2, 66) = 0.95\), \(p = .393\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .003\), 90% CI \([.000, .024]\).

Paired sample t-tests were used to assess the directed forgetting effect at each encoding duration. The directed forgetting effect is taken as the difference between proportion correct for remember minus forget items. At 500 ms, the directed forgetting effect was reversed and not significant, \(M = -0.02\), 95% CI \([-0.07, 0.03]\), \(t(33) = -0.86\), \(p = .398\). At 1000ms, the directed forgetting effect was reversed and not significant, \(M = -0.04\), 95% CI \([-0.09, 0.01]\), \(t(33) = -1.61\), \(p = .118\). And, at 2000 ms, the directed forgetting effect was again not detected, \(M = 0.01\), 95% CI \([-0.03, 0.06]\), \(t(33) = 0.47\), \(p = .643\).

The encoding duration by lure type interaction was, \(F(2, 66) = 2.99\), \(p = .057\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .008\), 90% CI \([.000, .049]\). In the 500 ms condition, proportion correct was higher for novel than exemplar lures, \(M = 0.23\), 95% CI \([0.19, 0.28]\), \(t(33) = 10.00\), \(p < .001\). The advantage for novel over exemplar items was smaller in the 1000 ms condition, \(M = 0.16\), 95% CI \([0.11, 0.21]\), \(t(33) = 6.80\), \(p < .001\), and 2000 ms condition \(M = 0.21\), 95% CI \([0.16, 0.26]\), \(t(33) = 7.91\), \(p < .001\).

The encoding instruction by lure type interaction was not significant, \(F(1, 33) = 1.24\), \(p = .273\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .001\), 90% CI \([.000, .069]\). Similarly, the interaction between encoding duration, instruction, and lure type was not significant, \(F(2, 66) = 0.01\), \(p = .988\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .000\), 90% CI \([.000, .000]\).

Reaction Time Analysis

Conduct Analysis

# create list to hold results
RT <- list()

# Pre-process data for analysis
# assign to "filtered_data" object
RT$filtered_data <- all_data %>%
  filter(experiment_phase == "test", 
         ID %in% all_excluded == FALSE,
         rt != "NULL") %>%
  mutate(rt = as.numeric(rt))

# declare factors, IVS, subject variable, and DV
RT$factors$IVs <- c("encoding_stimulus_time",
RT$factors$subject <- "ID"
RT$factors$DV <- "rt"

## Subject-level means used for ANOVA
# get individual subject means for each condition
RT$subject_means <- get_mean_sem(data=RT$filtered_data,
                                       grouping_vars = c(RT$factors$subject,
                                       dv = RT$factors$DV)
## Condition-level means
# get all possible main effects and interactions
RT$effects <- get_effect_names(RT$factors$IVs)

RT$means <- lapply(RT$effects, FUN = function(x) {
             grouping_vars = x,
             dv = RT$factors$DV)


# ensure factors are factor class
RT$subject_means <- RT$subject_means %>%
  mutate_at(RT$factors$IVs,factor) %>%

# run ANOVA
RT$aov.out <- aov(mean_rt ~ encoding_stimulus_time*encoding_instruction*test_condition + Error(ID/(encoding_stimulus_time*encoding_instruction*test_condition)), RT$subject_means)

# save printable summaries
RT$apa_print <- papaja::apa_print(RT$aov.out)


RT$graphs$figure <- ggplot(RT$means$`encoding_stimulus_time:encoding_instruction:test_condition`, 
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="dodge")+
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean_rt-sem_rt,
                    ymax = mean_rt+sem_rt),
                width=.9, position=position_dodge2(width = 0.2, padding = 0.8))+
  scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(1000,2000,100))+
  ylab("Mean RT (ms)")+
  xlab("Lure Type")+
  scale_fill_discrete(name = " Encoding \n Instruction") +
  ggtitle("E1: Mean RT by Stimulus Encoding Duration, \n Encoding Instruction, and Lure Type")


Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Residuals 33 42156245.885 1277461.997 NA NA
encoding_stimulus_time 2 30341.855 15170.928 0.4795306 0.6212139
Residuals 66 2088044.555 31637.039 NA NA
encoding_instruction 1 177573.172 177573.172 5.4367884 0.0259695
Residuals 33 1077826.505 32661.409 NA NA
test_condition 1 604114.759 604114.759 6.7383947 0.0139775
Residuals 33 2958536.560 89652.623 NA NA
encoding_stimulus_time:encoding_instruction 2 2582.818 1291.409 0.0415036 0.9593709
Residuals 66 2053626.396 31115.551 NA NA
encoding_stimulus_time:test_condition 2 25851.951 12925.976 0.3841409 0.6825481
Residuals 66 2220837.224 33649.049 NA NA
encoding_instruction:test_condition 1 57136.209 57136.209 1.2656738 0.2686962
Residuals 33 1489716.354 45142.920 NA NA
encoding_stimulus_time:encoding_instruction:test_condition 2 71921.183 35960.592 1.1484839 0.3233724
Residuals 66 2066549.737 31311.360 NA NA


encoding_stimulus_time mean_rt sem_rt
500 1650.684 18.405
1000 1650.887 17.881
2000 1630.329 17.658


encoding_instruction mean_rt sem_rt
F 1662.582 15.328
R 1625.191 13.987


test_condition mean_rt sem_rt
exemplar 1684.996 15.225
novel 1603.181 14.070


encoding_stimulus_time encoding_instruction mean_rt sem_rt
500 F 1668.729 27.447
500 R 1632.639 24.530
1000 F 1665.714 25.728
1000 R 1635.926 24.835
2000 F 1653.363 26.477
2000 R 1606.984 23.309


encoding_stimulus_time test_condition mean_rt sem_rt
500 exemplar 1699.975 26.751
500 novel 1601.832 25.177
1000 exemplar 1682.482 26.421
1000 novel 1619.575 24.079
2000 exemplar 1672.553 25.967
2000 novel 1588.167 23.847


encoding_instruction test_condition mean_rt sem_rt
F exemplar 1713.690 22.923
F novel 1611.474 20.238
R exemplar 1655.898 19.969
R novel 1594.880 19.559


encoding_stimulus_time encoding_instruction test_condition mean_rt sem_rt
500 F exemplar 1717.554 40.068
500 F novel 1620.339 37.417
500 R exemplar 1682.396 35.490
500 R novel 1583.324 33.723
1000 F exemplar 1699.271 38.618
1000 F novel 1632.158 33.964
1000 R exemplar 1665.387 36.053
1000 R novel 1606.993 34.178
2000 F exemplar 1724.132 40.490
2000 F novel 1581.961 33.678
2000 R exemplar 1619.728 32.100
2000 R novel 1594.392 33.818


## Encoding time x instruction
RT$simple$DF_500 <- RT$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "500") %>%
  group_by(ID,encoding_instruction) %>%
  summarize(mean_rt = mean(mean_rt)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = encoding_instruction,
              values_from = mean_rt) %>%
  mutate(difference = R-F) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

RT$simple$DF_1000 <- RT$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "1000") %>%
  group_by(ID,encoding_instruction) %>%
  summarize(mean_rt = mean(mean_rt)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = encoding_instruction,
              values_from = mean_rt) %>%
  mutate(difference = R-F) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

RT$simple$DF_2000 <- RT$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "2000") %>%
  group_by(ID,encoding_instruction) %>%
  summarize(mean_rt = mean(mean_rt)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = encoding_instruction,
              values_from = mean_rt) %>%
  mutate(difference = R-F) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

# encoding time x test condition

RT$simple$test_500 <- RT$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "500") %>%
  group_by(ID,test_condition) %>%
  summarize(mean_rt = mean(mean_rt)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = test_condition,
              values_from = mean_rt) %>%
  mutate(difference = novel-exemplar) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

RT$simple$test_1000 <- RT$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "1000") %>%
  group_by(ID,test_condition) %>%
  summarize(mean_rt = mean(mean_rt)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = test_condition,
              values_from = mean_rt) %>%
  mutate(difference = novel-exemplar) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%

RT$simple$test_2000 <- RT$subject_means %>%
  filter(encoding_stimulus_time == "2000") %>%
  group_by(ID,test_condition) %>%
  summarize(mean_rt = mean(mean_rt)) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = test_condition,
              values_from = mean_rt) %>%
  mutate(difference = novel-exemplar) %>%
  pull(difference) %>%
  t.test() %>%


Mean reaction times on correct trials for each subject in each condition were submitted to a 3 (Encoding Duration: 500ms, 1000ms, 2000ms) x 2 (Encoding Instruction: Forget vs. Remember) x 2 (Lure type: Novel vs. Exemplar) fully repeated measures ANOVA. For brevity we report only the significant effects. The full analysis is contained in supplementary materials.

The main effect of encoding instruction was significant, \(F(1, 33) = 5.44\), \(p = .026\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .003\), 90% CI \([.000, .092]\). Mean reaction times were faster for choosing remember cued items (M = 1625.191, SEM = 13.987) than forget cued items (M = 1662.582, SEM = 15.328).

The main effect of lure type was significant, \(F(1, 33) = 6.74\), \(p = .014\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .011\), 90% CI \([.000, .130]\). Mean reaction times were faster in the novel lure condition (M = 1603.181, SEM = 14.07) than exemplar lure condition (M = 1684.996, SEM = 15.225).

The remaining main effects and interactions were not significant.

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