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This function creates a MIDI matrix for a given musical score.


  num_notes = 128,
  intervals_per_bar = 48,
  separate = FALSE



A data.frame containing the input MIDI notation. df has at least columns named 'bars', 'note', and 'bar_steps'. 'bars' indicates which bar the note occurs in, note' indicates the pitch of the note, bar_steps' shows the time position within the bar that the note occurs.


An integer determining the size of MIDI note bins. Default is 128.


An integer specifying the number of intervals to split each bar into for matrix preparation. Default is 48, which corresponds to 48th notes (or every quarter beat in a 4/4 signature).


A logical value indicating if the function should return a single concatenated matrix (FALSE) or a list of separate pitch, time, and pitch by time matrices (TRUE). Default is FALSE.


If separate = FALSE, a matrix of MIDI note data with rows representing bars, and columns representing 1) counts of notes in pitch bins, 2) counts of notes in time bins, and 3) a matrix 'flattened' to a vector of pitch by time data. If separate = TRUE, a list containing separate matrices for pitch, time, and pitch by time.


 if (FALSE) {
copy_track <- copy_and_extend_midi_df(midi_df, track_num = 0)
metric_tibble <- make_metric_tibble(copy_track, ticks_per_beat = 96, bars=48,smallest_tick=8)
copy_track <- add_bars_to_copy_df(copy_track,metric_tibble)
music_matrix <- create_midi_matrix(copy_track,128,48)