Work in progress

Some snapshots of things across the building process

Matt Crump

This is the first big drawing that I’ve done in a while. Here’s some of the steps this time. I started this process from another piece. Note, it should be possible to click on an image to view them all in gallery.

Cliffs of Volcano ball lake. I started with this piece.

Cliffs of Volcano ball lake. I started with this piece.

Took the line art from it and inverted it.

Took the line art from it and inverted it.

Generated several variations using stable diffusion. Variation 1

Generated several variations using stable diffusion. Variation 1

Variation 2

Variation 2

Variation 3

Variation 3

Variation 4

Variation 4

Used the variations as layers, sampled aspects of them while putting together the line art

Used the variations as layers, sampled aspects of them while putting together the line art

About halfway done with line work

About halfway done with line work

Getting closer and fixing up a few details

Getting closer and fixing up a few details