Design algorithms

Algorithms for use in the present design.

Matt Crump


February 28, 2024

# make everything reproducible with this seed

Note that stimulus files created from these scripts were saved to the experiment folder.

Frequency vectors with systematically varied entropy

The purpose of this code is to create frequency vectors with systematically varied frequencies, from equal frequency to maximally unequal frequency.


# rich to poor
cells <- 8 # number of unique items
total_sum <- 64 # total number of occurrences across items
all_elements <- 1:cells # cell ids

# the most equal vector
equal_vector <- rep(total_sum/cells,cells)

# the most unequal vector
un_equal_vector <- c(rep(1,(cells-1)),total_sum-(cells-1))

# empty matrix to collect combinations of frequency vectors
frequency_matrix <- matrix(0,ncol=cells,nrow=500)

# start with the most unequal vector
frequency_matrix[1,] <- un_equal_vector

# run a loop
# take from the max and give to the min
# stop when the new vector =  equal_vector
for(i in 2:500){
  # if the last vector is the equal_vector break
  if(sum(frequency_matrix[i-1, ] == equal_vector) == cells){
    frequency_matrix <- frequency_matrix[1:(i-1),]
  # get the last vector
  last_vector <- frequency_matrix[i-1,]
  # choose a max cell to take away
  max_id <- which(last_vector == max(last_vector))
  if(length(max_id) > 1) max_id <- sample(max_id,1)
  # choose a cell to add
  possible_add <- which(last_vector != last_vector[max_id])
  if(length(possible_add) > 1 ) choose_add <- sample(possible_add,1)
  if(length(possible_add) == 1 ) choose_add <- possible_add
  # create modified vector
  redistribute <- frequency_matrix[i-1,]
  redistribute[max_id] <- redistribute[max_id] - 1 
  redistribute[choose_add] <- redistribute[choose_add] + 1 
  # assign to frequency matrix
  frequency_matrix[i,] <- redistribute


# function to calculate Shannon entropy in bits
entropy <- function(x){

# remove any duplicate rows in frequency matrix
sort_frequency <- t(apply(frequency_matrix, 1, sort))
unique_rows <- duplicated(sort_frequency) == FALSE
unique_frequency <- sort_frequency[unique_rows,]

# convert rows to probability vectors
prob_matrix <- unique_frequency/rowSums(unique_frequency)

# calculate bits for each row
bits <- apply(prob_matrix,1,entropy)

# find equal intervals in bits
num_intervals <- 11
equal_interval_bits <- seq(min(bits),max(bits),
                           by = ((max(bits) - min(bits))/num_intervals))

# make a tibble with frequency vectors at equal intervals across bit range
interval_bits <- tibble::tibble(equal_intervals = equal_interval_bits,
                                id = 1:length(equal_interval_bits),
                                closest = 0 ) %>%
  rowwise %>%
  mutate(closest = which.min(abs(bits - equal_interval_bits[id]))) %>%
  mutate(bits = bits[closest]) %>%
  mutate(frequency_vector = list(unique_frequency[closest,]))
generate_ordered_permutations <- function(length = 8){
  sapply(1:length, function(x) rep(1:length,2)[x:(x+(length-1))] )

Generating midi files from frequency vectors


stimlist <- data.frame()

# note parameters
bars <- 4
possible_time_steps <- 16
note_duration <- 24
possible_notes <- c(60, 63, 65, 66, 67, 70, 72, 75)

# order to assign biased frequencies
permutation_matrix <- generate_ordered_permutations(length(possible_notes))

total_notes <- 8
total_beats <- bars*possible_time_steps

for(t in 1:dim(interval_bits)[1]) {
  for (n in 1:length(possible_notes)) {
    compose_notes <- tibble::tibble(
      note_id = integer(),
      note = integer(),
      beat_on = integer(),
      note_on = integer(),
      note_off = integer()
    ) %>%
      # 1 beat every time_step
      rowwise() %>%
      add_row(beat_on = 1,
              note = sample(rep(possible_notes,times=interval_bits$frequency_vector[[t]][permutation_matrix[n,]]))
      ungroup() %>%
      # handle note times
        note_id = 1:n(),
        note_on = (1:n() - 1) * note_duration,
        note_off = note_on + note_duration
      ) %>%
      filter(beat_on == 1) %>%
      #pivot to long
      tidyr::pivot_longer(c("note_on", "note_off"),
                          names_to = "type",
                          values_to = "time") %>%
      mutate(time = time - lag(time, default = 0))
    ## add to a new midi df
    new_midi_df <- create_empty_midi_df() %>% # initialize
      add_meta_track_name(name = "My track") %>%
      add_meta_tempo(tempo = 500000) %>%
        numerator = 4,
        denominator = 4,
        clocks_per_click = 36,
        notated_32nd_notes_per_beat = 8
      ) %>%
      add_program_change(program = 0,
                         channel = 0) %>%
      add_control_change(control = 0, value = 0) %>%
      #use dplyr::add_row to add a bunch of notes
        i_track = rep(0, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
        meta = rep(FALSE, dim(compose_notes)[1]),
        note = compose_notes$note,
        type = compose_notes$type,
        time = compose_notes$time,
        velocity = 120
      ) %>%
    #write midi
    #Initialize new pyramidi object
    new_pyramidi_object <- pyramidi::MidiFramer$new()
    # update ticks per beat
    new_pyramidi_object$ticks_per_beat <- 96L
    # update object with new midi df
    # write to midi file
    file_string <- glue::glue("midi/freq_vec_{t}_{n}.mid")
    new_df <- interval_bits[t, ] %>%
      mutate(stimulus = file_string,
             possible_notes = list(possible_notes),
             frequency_vector = list(interval_bits$frequency_vector[[t]][permutation_matrix[n,]]))
    stimlist <- rbind(stimlist,new_df)

to js

stimlist <- stimlist %>%
  rowwise() %>%
  mutate(stimulus = gsub("midi","mp3s", stimulus)) %>%
  mutate(stimulus = gsub("mid","mp3",stimulus))

json_stimlist <- jsonlite::toJSON(stimlist)

fileConn <-file("stimlist.js")
writeLines(paste("stimlist = ",json_stimlist,";"), fileConn)

to mp3


# get midi file_names
midi_files <- list.files("midi",include.dirs = T)

#write to mp3
for(i in midi_files){
                           output = paste0("mp3s/",gsub("mid","mp3",i)),
                           verbose = F)

crop to 8 seconds


# get midi file_names
mp3_files <- list.files("mp3s",include.dirs = T)

#crop to 8 seconds
for(i in mp3_files){
  av::av_audio_convert(paste0("mp3s/",i),paste0("cropped_mp3s/",i),total_time = 8)

#delete mp3s folder to clean up
unlink("mp3s",recursive = T)

# rename folder