Experiment 1B: Amazon Turk Master’s Participants


Matt Crump

Shifa Maqsood

This is a reproducible analysis script for Experiment 1B.


The purpose of this document is to provide an in-principle pipeline for reproducible analysis.

Data collected 5/26/23 (Mturk masters)

The first version of this experiment (1A) had a couple issues. The proportion of recall vs no-recall trials during encoding was supposed to be equal (6 and 6 for each question condition), but it was not (4 recall vs 8 no recall). There were supposed to be 3 filler items before and after the main lists, but there were three at the beginning and two at the end. This experiment fixes those issues.

The first experiment was conducted on Amazon’s Mechanical Turk with few restrictions. Some of the responses to the free recall task indicated participants were not performing the experiment (e.g., typing in paragraph responses, or nonsense).

This experiment again recruited participants from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk, but used the following restriction: Masters, US, 95% hit approval, more than 200 hits

Load libraries


Import Data

# Read the text file from JATOS ...
read_file('data/E1B_self_reference_deID.JSON') %>%
  # ... split it into lines ...
  str_split('\n') %>% first() %>%
  # ... filter empty rows ...
  discard(function(x) x == '') %>%
  # ... parse JSON into a data.frame
  map_dfr(fromJSON, flatten=T) -> all_data



demographics <- all_data %>%
  filter(trial_type == "survey-html-form") %>%
  select(ID,response) %>%
  unnest_wider(response) %>%
  mutate(age = as.numeric(age))

age_demographics <- demographics %>%
  summarize(mean_age = mean(age),
            sd_age = sd(age),
            min_age = min(age),
            max_age = max(age))

factor_demographics <- apply(demographics[-1], 2, table)

A total of 53 participants were recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Mean age was 46.1 (range = 29 to 69 ). There were 30 females, and 23 males. There were 49 right-handed participants, and NA left or both handed participants. 28 participants reported normal vision, and 25 participants reported corrected-to-normal vision. 52 participants reported English as a first language, and 1 participants reported English as a second language.


We were were interested in analyzing data from participants who appeared to engage with the task as intended. To identify participants for inclusion we used accuracy data from the case judgment task. We included participants if their accuracy was 70% or greater.

Case judgment accuracy

Get case judgment accuracy for all participants.

case_judgment <- all_data %>%
  filter(encoding_trial_type == "study_word",
         study_instruction == "case") %>%
  mutate(response = as.character(unlist(response))) %>%
  mutate(accuracy = case_when(
    response == "0" & letter_case == "upper" ~ 1,
    response == "1" & letter_case == "upper" ~ 0,
    response == "0" & letter_case == "lower" ~ 0,
    response == "1" & letter_case == "lower" ~ 1
         )) %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
  summarise(percent_correct = mean(accuracy))

ggplot(case_judgment, aes(x=percent_correct))+
  geom_histogram() +

post-task questions

post_questions <- all_data %>%
  filter(trial_type == "survey-text") %>%
  select(ID,response) %>%

All exclusions

Identify any participants that would be excluded.

all_excluded <- case_judgment %>%
  filter(percent_correct < .7) %>%
  select(ID) %>%

[1] 0
filtered_data <- all_data %>%
  filter(ID %in% all_excluded == FALSE) 

Accuracy analysis

Define Helper functions

To do, consider moving the functions into the R package for this project

# attempt general solution

## Declare helper functions

# get_mean_sem
# data = a data frame
# grouping_vars = a character vector of factors for analysis contained in data
# dv = a string indicated the dependent variable colunmn name in data
# returns data frame with grouping variables, and mean_{dv}, sem_{dv}
# note: dv in mean_{dv} and sem_{dv} is renamed to the string in dv

get_mean_sem <- function(data, grouping_vars, dv, digits=3){
  a <- data %>%
    group_by_at(grouping_vars) %>%
    summarize("mean_{ dv }" := round(mean(.data[[dv]]), digits),
              "sem_{ dv }" := round(sd(.data[[dv]])/sqrt(length(.data[[dv]])),digits),

# get_effect_names
# grouping_vars = a character vector of factors for analysis
# returns a named list
# list contains all main effects and interaction terms
# useful for iterating the computation means across design effects and interactions

get_effect_names <- function(grouping_vars){
  effect_names <- grouping_vars
  if( length(grouping_vars > 1) ){
    for( i in 2:length(grouping_vars) ){
      effect_names <- c(effect_names,apply(combn(grouping_vars,i),2,paste0,collapse=":"))
  effects <- strsplit(effect_names, split=":")
  names(effects) <- effect_names

# print_list_of_tables
# table_list = a list of named tables
# each table is printed 
# names are header level 3

print_list_of_tables <- function(table_list){
  for(i in 1:length(table_list)){

Conduct Analysis

Study phase immediate recall

# get recall proportion correct for each participant
study_phase_recall <-  filtered_data %>%
  filter(phase == "study_recall",
         encoding_recall == "recall") %>%
  separate(col = paragraph,
           into = c("first_word","second_word"),
           sep = " ",
           remove = FALSE,
           extra = "merge") %>%
  mutate(accuracy = tolower(target_word) == tolower(first_word),
         study_instruction = factor(study_instruction, levels= c("case","semantic","self"))) %>%
  group_by(ID,study_instruction) %>%
  summarize(percent_correct = mean(accuracy))

# get means in each question condition
study_phase_recall_means <- get_mean_sem(study_phase_recall,
             grouping_vars = c("study_instruction"),
             dv = "percent_correct")

# run ANOVA
study_phase_recall <- study_phase_recall %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(ID = as.factor(ID),
         study_instruction = as.factor(study_instruction))

study_phase_recall_aov <- aov(percent_correct ~ study_instruction + Error(ID/study_instruction),

# save printable summaries
study_phase_recall_apa_print <- papaja::apa_print(study_phase_recall_aov)

study_instruction mean_percent_correct sem_percent_correct
case 0.903 0.023
semantic 0.950 0.012
self 0.947 0.016

During the encoding phase participants attempted to immediately recall half of the words following the primary judgment. We computed proportion of correctly recalled words for each participant separately in each encoding question condition. These means were submitted to a one-way repeated measures ANOVA, with question type as the sole factor. Mean proportion correctly recalled was 0.903 in the case judgment, 0.95 in the semantic judgment, and 0.947 in the self-reference condition; \(F(2, 104) = 3.57\), \(\mathit{MSE} = 0.01\), \(p = .032\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .028\).

Study phase word judgment

# get recall proportion correct for each participant
study_phase_judgment <-  filtered_data %>%
  filter(phase == "main_study",
         encoding_trial_type == "study_word")  %>%
  mutate(accuracy = case_when(study_instruction == "case" & 
                                letter_case == "lower" &
                                response == 1 ~ TRUE,
                              study_instruction == "case" & 
                                letter_case == "lower" &
                                response == 0 ~ FALSE,
                              study_instruction == "case" & 
                                letter_case == "upper" &
                                response == 0 ~ TRUE,
                              study_instruction == "case" & 
                                letter_case == "upper" &
                                response == 1 ~ TRUE,
                              study_instruction == "semantic" & 
                                likeable == "low" &
                                response == 0 ~ FALSE,
                              study_instruction == "semantic" & 
                                likeable == "low" &
                                response == 1 ~ TRUE,
                              study_instruction == "semantic" & 
                                likeable == "high" &
                                response == 0 ~ TRUE,
                              study_instruction == "semantic" & 
                                likeable == "high" &
                                response == 1 ~ FALSE,
                              study_instruction == "self" & 
                                likeable == "low" &
                                response == 0 ~ FALSE,
                              study_instruction == "self" & 
                                likeable == "low" &
                                response == 1 ~ TRUE,
                              study_instruction == "self" & 
                                likeable == "high" &
                                response == 0 ~ TRUE,
                              study_instruction == "self" & 
                                likeable == "high" &
                                response == 1 ~ FALSE
         study_instruction = factor(study_instruction, 
                                    levels= c("case","semantic","self"))) %>%
  group_by(ID,study_instruction) %>%
  summarize(percent_correct = mean(accuracy)) %>%

# get means in each question condition
study_phase_judgment_means <- get_mean_sem(study_phase_judgment,
             grouping_vars = c("study_instruction"),
             dv = "percent_correct")

study_instruction mean_percent_correct sem_percent_correct
case 0.998 0.002
semantic 0.973 0.009
self 0.780 0.026

For completeness we report mean performance in the encoding phase for each of the word judgment condition. See above table.

Recall Test

# obtain recall data from typed answers

recall_data <- filtered_data %>%
  filter(phase %in% c("recall_1","recall_2") == TRUE ) %>%
  select(ID,phase,paragraph) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = phase,
              values_from = paragraph) %>%
  mutate(recall_1 = paste(recall_1,recall_2,sep = " ")) %>%
  select(ID,recall_1) %>%
 # separate_longer_delim(cols = recall_1,
 #                        delim = " ") %>%
  mutate(recall_1 = tolower(recall_1)) %>%
  mutate(recall_1 = gsub("[^[:alnum:][:space:]]","",recall_1))

encoding_words_per_subject <- filtered_data %>%
  filter(encoding_trial_type == "study_word",
         phase == "main_study")

recall_data <- left_join(encoding_words_per_subject,recall_data,by = 'ID') %>%
  mutate(recall_1 = strsplit(recall_1," "))

# implement a spell-checking method

recall_success <- c()
min_string_distance <- c()
for(i in 1:dim(recall_data)[1]){
  recalled_words <- unlist(recall_data$recall_1[i])
  recalled_words <- recalled_words[recalled_words != ""]
  if (length(recalled_words) == 0 ) recalled_words <- "nonerecalled"
  recall_success[i] <- tolower(recall_data$target_word[i]) %in% recalled_words
  min_string_distance[i] <- min(sapply(recalled_words,FUN = function(x) {
  stringdist::stringdist(a=x,b = tolower(recall_data$target_word[i]), method = "lv")

# recall proportion correct by subject
# correct for unequal conditions. 4 words in recall, 8 words in no recall

recall_data_subject <- recall_data %>%
  mutate(recall_success = recall_success,
         min_string_distance = min_string_distance) %>%
  mutate(close_recall = min_string_distance <= 2) %>%
  group_by(ID,study_instruction,encoding_recall,block_type) %>%
  summarise(number_recalled = sum(recall_success),
            number_close_recalled = sum(close_recall)) %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(proportion_recalled = case_when(encoding_recall == "no_recall" ~ number_close_recalled/6,
                                         encoding_recall == "recall" ~ number_close_recalled/6)) %>%
  mutate(ID = as.factor(ID),
         study_instruction = as.factor(study_instruction),
         encoding_recall = as.factor(encoding_recall),
         block_type = as.factor(block_type))

# Condition means
mean_recall_data <- get_mean_sem(recall_data_subject,
             c("study_instruction","encoding_recall", "block_type"),
             "proportion_recalled") %>%
  ungroup() %>%
  mutate(study_instruction = factor(study_instruction,levels = c("case","semantic","self")),
         `Retrieval Practice` = case_when(
           encoding_recall == "no_recall" ~ "No Retrieval Practice \n during study \n",
           encoding_recall == "recall" ~ "Retrieval Practice \n during study \n",

recall_plot <- ggplot(mean_recall_data,
       aes(x = study_instruction,
           y = mean_proportion_recalled,
           fill= `Retrieval Practice`))+
  geom_bar(stat="identity",position="dodge",color="black") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean_proportion_recalled - sem_proportion_recalled,
                    ymax = mean_proportion_recalled + sem_proportion_recalled),
                width=.9, position=position_dodge2(width = 0.2, padding = 0.8)) +
  ylab("Proportion words recalled")+
  xlab("Study Instruction") +
  theme_classic(base_size = 15)+
  theme(legend.position = "top")+


Recall test ANOVA

## Condition-level means
# get all possible main effects and interactions
recall_effect_names <- get_effect_names(c("block_type","encoding_recall", "study_instruction"))

recall_effect_means <- lapply(recall_effect_names, FUN = function(x) {
               grouping_vars = x,
               dv = "proportion_recalled") %>%

# run ANOVA
recall_aov <- aov(proportion_recalled ~ block_type*encoding_recall*study_instruction + Error(ID/(study_instruction*encoding_recall)), data = recall_data_subject)

# save printable summaries
recall_apa_print <- papaja::apa_print(recall_aov)

Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
block_type 1 0.0512463 0.0512463 0.3750072 0.5430084
Residuals 51 6.9693686 0.1366543 NA NA
study_instruction 2 0.8827743 0.4413871 12.9864894 0.0000095
block_type:study_instruction 2 0.0670980 0.0335490 0.9870785 0.3761950
Residuals 102 3.4667944 0.0339882 NA NA
encoding_recall 1 0.1070056 0.1070056 4.1825414 0.0460186
block_type:encoding_recall 1 0.0002541 0.0002541 0.0099339 0.9209979
Residuals 51 1.3047773 0.0255839 NA NA
encoding_recall:study_instruction 2 0.0766946 0.0383473 1.7643242 0.1764898
block_type:encoding_recall:study_instruction 2 0.0304254 0.0152127 0.6999230 0.4989928
Residuals 102 2.2169540 0.0217348 NA NA


# use data.table 

#t <- as.data.table(Accuracy$means$`encoding_stimulus_time:encoding_instruction`)
#t[encoding_stimulus_time==500 & encoding_instruction == "F"]$mean_correct


We computed proportion correct recalled for each participant in each condition of the design. The proportions were submitted to a 3 (Encoding Question: Case, Semantic, Self) x 2 (Retrieval Practice: Yes, No) x 2 (Question Order: Blocked, Mixed) mixed factorial design with Encoding Question, and Retrieval Practice as within-subject factors, and Question Order as the sole between-subject factor. Mean proportions of correctly recalled words in each condition are shown in Figure X.

There was a main effect of encoding question, \(F(2, 102) = 12.99\), \(\mathit{MSE} = 0.03\), \(p < .001\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .059\). Mean proportion recall was lowest in the case condition (M = 0.131, SEM = 0.017), and at similar higher levels for the semantic (M = 0.239, SEM = 0.022), and self condition (M = 0.245, SEM = 0.023).

The retrieval practice effect was also significant, \(F(1, 51) = 4.18\), \(\mathit{MSE} = 0.03\), \(p = .046\), \(\hat{\eta}^2_G = .008\). Mean proportion recall was lower for items that did not receive retrieval practice (M = 0.187, SEM = 0.017), compared to items that did receive retrieval practice (M = 0.223, SEM = 0.017).

No other main effects or interactions reached significance.

save data
