Marine Park


Lucca O’Connor

Before the Dutch came and settled, Native Americans would use the spot that would become known as Gerritsen Creek as a hunting and fishing ground. Towards the end of the 17th century, the Dutch would come and colonize the location, with Wolfert Gerritsen building his fieldhouse there, giving the creek his namesake. Later on in the 1900s Jamaica Bay was planned to become a port, which would greatly affect the creek, and so 150 acres of land was donated to the area so that it could become a park. This land is now known today as Marine Park.


(Marine Park field, lined with trees on a beautiful spring day)

This massive park has everything a visitor needs to enjoy themself. Park goers can enjoy a wide open field to rest and relax in, or take a walk in the surrounding walkway. The field is favored among dog owners, as it provides a big environment to play with your dog. Sports are also popular among Marine Park goers. Tennis courts line the park on the 32nd Street entrance. The field offers baseball and soccer to little league teams that often play there. Basketball courts are also open for people to practice on.


(the dugout bench of Marine Park around a diamond where baseball is normally played)

The Carmine Carro Community Center is a building open to the public that hosts a wide variety of events favored by adults and seniors. According to the Marine Park website, “The facility also offers cultural and art programs such as painting, photography, music, knitting, and crocheting.” The Salt Marsh Nature Center allows for park goers to travel on the Salt Marsh Nature Trail. The Center also offers activities for park goers. Park Rangers offer various educational activities about the environment.


(the Carmine Carro Community Center)

A nearby playground also offers activities for children. Swings, slides, giant nautilus figures to climb on, you name it. The entire park is stationed right next to the Marine Park Junior High School, allowing a place for those students to go once class is dismissed.

Marine Park is a free and local park that welcomes all to enjoy!


History - Marine Park Alliance