L0: Getting Started
This is a general orientation for PSYC 2530, Fall 2023. Start here to learn more about how this course will work.
Welcome to the orientation learning module for PSYC 2530. This module describes important information about how the course will run for Fall 2023.
- quick course orientation
- show you how learning modules will work
- get you ready for the first week

Read the Syllabus
Read the syllabus for this course.
If you have questions about the syllabus, then please ask them on the blackboard discussion forum.
Orientation video

When you are ready complete the assignments in the getting started module on Blackboard. Both assignments are short and worth 2.5 points each (normally assignments will be worth 5 points each).
- Complete the getting started quiz (2.5 points)
- Complete the short introduction post assignment (2.5 points)
Submit your work before the due date posted on blackboard. Then, move on to the next learning module.